Why Sound, Music, and Your Voice Are Powerful Healing Tools

At Music For Healing LLC in Savage, Minnesota, we urge people to access their voices as instruments. Sadly, most people are afraid of using their own voices.

We use it unconsciously when we stub our toe --we make a sound. When we hammer our thumb, we automatically make a sound.

What this does when you automatically react to pain by making these sounds is it releases the pain because the self-created sound is so effective and powerful for getting rid of the pain.

Now, you have the opportunity to learn how to make sounds consciously using your own voice. It is easy. We all tend to make things harder than they really are.


Greetings to All

“My name is Cathleen Gempeler and I am a board-certified music therapist with over 29 years of experience working with people who had emotional, physical, and psychological pain.

“I provide people with the tools to use their voice and create a sustainable state of health and well-being. Here are some benefits in store for those eager to undergo therapy:

  • Increased oxygen in the cells
  • Lowered blood pressure and heart rate
  • Increased lymphatic circulation
  • Increased levels of melatonin
  • Reduced levels of stress-related hormones
  • Release of endorphins---biochemical opiates that work as natural pain relievers
  • Increased levels of nitric oxide, a molecule associated with the promotion of healing
  • Release of oxytocin, the 'trust hormone'

“Current research exists supporting the fact that, over 50% of the time, most diseases occurring in the human body are caused by emotions.

“I work closely with individuals, families, and groups of adults and find tools that help them accomplish self-created sounds that can improve health and reduce body pain.

“We will be hosting workshops for anyone interested to attend. Check out our website and also look for Music For Healing LLC on Facebook, Alignable, and LinkedIn.”

Engage in Vocal Sound Healing

What To Expect in a Vocal Sound Healing Session

Connection - to ensure that needs are communicated so Cathleen knows which techniques or interventions will work for each person. Each person's needs are different.

Grounding - Cathleen will use a variety of instruments that cover the spectrum of frequencies of sound to assist in calming and centering as preparation for using the voice. Instruments available include:

  • Drums including frame, doumbec, djembe
  • Keyboards
  • Crystal Singing Pyramid
  • Healing Chimes
  • Rattles
  • Tingshas
  • Singing Bowls, both crystal & Himalayan

Education - to share important information to help in understanding the science of sound, how it works, and why it is so important.

Demonstration - Cathleen will personally demonstrate sounds using her voice and will offer to provide the healing sounds for the person.

Healing Voice Tools - the person can use their own voice while being instructed to learn various techniques to meet the person's needs.

Call (952) 567-9117 for a FREE 30-minute phone consultation!


The Dynamics of Sound and Emotions

Cathleen Gempeler MT-BC has been trained in using the voice as a sound healing instrument through the Globe Institute by completing the Sound & Emotions Conference.

The conference featured a variety of sound healers as presenters covering the use of voice, and the quantum physics of sound, but most importantly, it was about healing emotions by using voices.

Join Our Workshops

Learn more about music therapy and vocal sound healing. For detailed information about the special events and training workshops we host, get in touch with us.